Please see below the personal data that Nottingham Trent University (NTU) holds in your alumni record.
You can update your information by selecting the relevant field below and entering new information. You can also add information using the right hand menu on this page.
The information you provide in this form will be used to update your record held by NTU and will be held securely and confidentially, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018). Information relating to your role as an Alumni Fellow will be held within your record until or unless you inform us that you no longer wish to be part of NTU’s community of alumni, or until there is no longer a legal basis for holding your personal data. In the case of Industry Fellows, your personal data will be retained for a period of no longer than two years after your Industry Fellow relationship ceases, in accordance with our Retention Policy. For further information on how we use your personal data please see our Alumni, Supporter and Friends' Privacy Policy.
Data subjects have a right of access under the GDPR that allows them to make requests to organisations that hold personal data about them. The Subject access request policy sets out how NTU identify and manage its SAR responsibilities in accordance with its legal and regulatory obligations. The SAR Procedure provides the process for accessing your information and provides an easy to use form for requesting your data. Alternatively, you can email NTU's Data Protection Officer.